This year has widened the landscape of consumer privacy protections, with dozens of comprehensive privacy bills moving through state legislatures and becoming enacted.
SF 262 signed into law Iowa became sixth US state with comprehensive privacy law. It applies to companies that do business in Iowa and either control or process personal data of at least 100000 Iowans or derive 50 percent gross revenue from personal data sales.
Iowa’s new data privacy law, which will come into force in 2025, adds to an increasingly complex patchwork of state laws. On March 28, 2023, Iowa became the sixth US.
Almost one year to the day after Utah enacted the Utah Consumer Privacy Act ("UCPA"), Iowa is one (Kim Reynolds') signature away from passing the sixth comprehensive consumer data privacy law.
After Utah enacted the Utah Consumer Privacy Act UCPA, Iowa is one Kim Reynolds signature away from passing sixth comprehensive consumer data privacy law, joining California, Colorado, Virginia, Connecticut, and Utah. Act relating to consumer data protection.