Reliance Retail has introduced its JioBook 2023 laptop in India at a price of Rs 16,499. The budget laptop comes with an 11.6-inch HD display, a MediaTek chipset, 4GB RAM and 8 hours of battery life. It comes with Jio apps like JioTV. Users can also download apps like Netflix, JioCinema and more on this laptop. Check out the price, specifications and features of this new Jio laptop.
Reliance Jio has launched JioBook (2023) laptop in India. The highlights of the Jiobook 2023 laptop include octo-core processor, up to 8 hours of battery life, 100GB of Cloud storage, anti-glare display and infinity keyboard. It is also just 990 gm in weight. Here s the price, specifications like battery, chipset and more of the newly launched JioBook laptop in India.