As part of its investigation into the founders of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL), market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) found that about Rs20bn (billion) or US$241mn (million) may have been diverted from the company, says a report quoting people familiar with the matter who did not want to be identified as the information is not public yet.
As part of its investigation into the founders of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL), market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) found that about Rs20bn (billion) or US$241mn (million) may have been diverted from the company, says a report quoting people familiar with the matter who did not want to be identified as the information is not public yet.
Real estate investment has long been regarded as a lucrative avenue for wealth creation and asset building. However, the approach to selling and buying real estate often encounters a fundamental divergence in strategy when considering.