Want to stay calm during the market volatility? Focus on reducing your net cost in a stock over a longer time horizon, a lesson learned from the experience of veteran investor and stockbroker Mostaque Ahmed Sadeque. The founding managing director of brokerage firm Investment Promotion Services Ltd and the former president of DSE Brokers Association (DBA) started his stock
Farhan Fardaus,
Published: 20 Jan 2021 10:39 AM BdST
Updated: 20 Jan 2021 10:39 AM BdST The new rules stipulate a new condition that an investor must have a minimum of Tk 20,000 investment in the secondary market to apply for IPO shares. The market regulator says the new system aims to encourage long-term investment.
The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission has changed the IPO rules to scrap the lottery system. That means the shares will be distributed among all applicants in a proportionate rate from April under the new rules. );
Why has the SEC chosen this system? Market analysts say the new system will augur well for the stock market by preventing irrational share price hikes.