A 23-year-old medical student has lodged a complaint with the police alleging that the investment company in which he had invested money had fraudulently debited money from his account and had duped him to the tune of Rs 12.53 lakh.
Private Detective Agency™ is a premier private investigative firm, providing affordable and discreet investigations throughout Switzerland, Liethenstein and globally. Zurich, Switzerland - December 2, 2021 /MarketersMEDIA/ A quote of the Private Detective Agency Switzerland is 'What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence.' This is a Samuel Jackson quote in the.
A Kansas City, Missouri, man will serve three years in federal prison for his role in a fraudulent investment scheme that bilked investors out of $4 million.
A Rajasthan man has been arrested for scamming people on social media by promising high returns on investments. The man was reportedly using ‘Profit Mania’ page on Instagram to dupe people.