By Luigi Serenelli2020-12-15T15:11:00+00:00
The German Ministry of Finance has proposed a draft law to encourage investment fund activity in the country.
The law – Fondsstandortgesetz (FoG) or the Fund Location Act – if passed, it could translate into the implementation of the Directive (EU) 2019/1160 regarding the cross-border undertakings for the collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS). The deadline to integrate the European rules into national law is 2 August 2021.
The set of rules in the Fondsstandortgesetz is intended to reinforce Germany’s appeal as a location for registration of investment funds. Although the German market has shown signs of further progress in recent years, it still falls behind other European countries such as Luxembourg or Ireland for instance, the Ministry noted in the draft.
in broad-based growth. we want to make the best products. we also have to invest in the best ideas. now is not the time to gut these job-creating investments in science and innovation. today no area holds more promise than our investments in american energy. gretchen: is the word investment code for more spending? stuart varney from varney and company. i would say there is another s as well which is stimulus. you no longer hear that word because that had a connotation. although research shows spending also has a bad connotation. 87% of americans believe we have a spending problem. the president used the word investment or invests 13 times. he did not use the word spending. but that is what his policy is about. he wants to spend more government money. to him, it s government that s going to stimulate the economy. it s government that is going to create jobs. he proposed a pretty long list of government spending