search warrants have been applied for, it is more proof of that. that is a standard investigation practice. it doesn t necessarily mean that they ve zeroed in on a suspect but it does show that they re doing whatever they can to pry to get this investigation going as quickly as possible. meanwhile, what they re asking for the public is anybody with any information to come forward. to try to get as many tips as possible. they have raised a reward, $75,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or people who did this. in addition to that, jim and erica, they re canvassing the area and trying to get as much video as possible from people who might have video on their homes and outside of businesses, anybody who might have captured any piece of this crime as it unfolded from just a car driving down the street at a certain time of day to anything that might be closer to here at this substation. we continue to ask law enforcement for as many details as possible but right n
Vyapak Desai is an attorney at Nishith Desai Assoc. India-centric Global Law Firm, specializing in cross border, complex contentious matters and corporate/regulatory investigations
call, issued a subpoena to third party carrier trying to get information and so at this point, we feel like it s best that we just continue to honor the executive privilege and it looks like the courts are going to have to weigh in on this. let me translate that in plain english. what mr. meadows is saying is that while he started to cooperate and provide some material, he then found out that the committee was also gathering information from other sources. and he didn t like that. now, that is standard investigation practice. it s what police departments do, the fbi, and any competent investigation. so if meadows says hey, here s all my phone records, they also check with what he called it there, the carrier, the phone company, and they see if he s telling the truth, no problem. then they have duplicate copies. but if the phone company turned over more than the witness, maybe the witness is withholding things.