that sounds like why wouldvice p a vice president ever leverageu money except that the investigator or the prosecutor was investigatins g hunter. so that seems like an abuse of y people s money. here s my big question. when you look at the deal with china and you look at the money coming fromof the former first lady of moscow, be it investments in real estate or the three and a half million dollars going to hunter bideer bidenn, and yot all together. is there a possibility thatt this president that swore over and over again that he never talked to his son about his farm business dealings? we have photographs that prove s otherwise. we have business meetings confirm that, prove otherwise. e otherwise, this in fact he that, in fact, that he s boughtd and paid for and that he s a cor compromiseomd president . is that a strong possibility in your in n your view?t look, i think it is . tha i think for four more than a decade, joe bided n and his son and his brotheother, hr, hie family ha
of parents and grandparents. bln and if i, t was a republican,rec i bet the reaction wouldtionrmer ar very different here with reaction, former arkansas governor mike huckabeekaernor,,g with former florida attorney general pam bondibondi, governor huckabee, we startlook with you. look, hunter has, hunter a lot f troubles. i actually hope thatt he he s beyond them. people may not believe s. people that. i still think he should be held accountable. but if somebody can get offd od drugcas and get out of a lifestyle that is going to kill them. i m happy to hear that. t ofi believe in redemption.ll l but the issue of a child, this is still the president s grandchild. why would they not recognizegrai their own grandkid? rit s really heartbreaking. and i don t want to be flip about this. i really want to be serious in saying that, you know, this is a precious child. and first of all, i m sot grateful that the mother decided to have this baby , not to have it aborted, but pre to realize this
0 that for certain. so we should never have claimed it. all we can say is they eppstein themselves, they they did to themselves or no security cameras. and is perfectly natural, perfectly normal and nothing to worry, we wish you h so with that, we wish you the best night with the ones you love. and of course, we ll see yout tomorrow. in the meantime, here s the great sean hannity. tucker, they alway s want to take us out of context. that s just the rule., yo if you re a conservative, you re goingu ret of to take itf context, period, end of sentence. but it just goes with the territory. twenty seven years worth. i know. anyway, tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity. and tonight, the christmasth season is soon upon us .s and in keepingso with the tradition, the biden family once again refusing to acknowledge the existence of their own four year old granddaughter. gdaughterexcept when a court ow forces their hand. and jill jill and hunter have no decency or honor. we r