During an autumn stroll outside office at the University of Cincinnati,a biology professor pointed out numerous examples of nonnative, invasive species in campus landscaping.
Unwanted pets are often released as soon as they become a nuisance. Not just dogs and cats, but also exotic freshwater species. This contributes significantly to the spread of invasive species. Well known examples include the goldfish and pond slider terrapins, which have established non-native populations globally
Invasive plant species management in India has historically been constrained by a lack of information regarding the spread of invasions. So to combat this, scientists from the Wildlife Institute of India were forced to come up with a unique solution.
In 2019, the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment Report confirmed invasive alien species as one of the five most important direct drivers of biodiversity loss. The others were climate change, land and sea use, direct exploitation of species, and pollution.