Following yesterday's Wine 9.8 release that fixes a nearly 20 year old bug for installing Microsoft Office 97, Wine-Staging 9.8 is out today as the even more experimental blend of Wine that carries hundreds of extra patches that are going through a testing period toward upstreaming into the main codebase.
There's been a lot of improvements coming about in the GNOME desktop space thanks to the ongoing Sovereign Tech Fund and other initiatives toward GNOME 47.
Intel software engineer Victor Rodriguez presented at the Open-Source Summit North America last month on their open-source compiler toolchain work for enabling ISA capabilities of upcoming Intel CPUs as well as using simulation tools for helping to test compiler enhancements/optimizations moving forward.
A patch recently posted to the Linux kernel mailing list is working on implementing ACPI Platform Profile support for modern Dell laptops to allow users to have more control over their balanced / cool / quiet / performance behavior of the laptop and its resulting impact on the fan noise / cooling performance.