She did not talk to people as if they were a strange hard shell she had to crack open to get inside. She talked as if she were already in the shell. In their very shell. Marita Bonner (1926) Nothing New.
Laguna Beach Local News
A Leap of Faith
Most of us have faced life challenges that seemed insurmountable at the time. The remembering of those trying times usually includes the knowledge that we somehow summoned the resources to survive the situation.
Kissed by grace, circled in the arms of the angels, supported by the love and concern of friends and family, opening to new life directions all come together in those tumultuous moments.
We start again. We reawaken. We shakily take a step and then another. It becomes a sweet relief at those times that life is always in a state of change. Autumn shifts to winter, winter into spring, spring into summer, summer into fall. Significant life changes, like a stormy and churning ocean, carry us to higher ground and unfamiliar shores.