out, but to just fire away again and again and name calling. he s weak, he s feckless. so i think you re sort of in the dark here. steve? well, look, i think that what you re seeing happening in all these countries across the broader middle east is a fraying of the boundaries that were drawn across religious lines, ethnic lines. of course, you look at the crimea given to the ukraine by russia under khrushchev in 1954. and so russia historically, you look at the poem into the valley of death rode the 600. the europeans have experienced war in crimea against russia. when we blame the president entirely, that everything happening in the world is the fault of him not moving enough and that all events in the world are derivative of what the president is doing or not doing or what the united states policy is at any given moment totally
east in the arab world. he s been trying but yet it doesn t matter. mitt romney and all the others use any opportunity not to band together and try to figure this out, but to just fire away again and again and name calling. he s weak, he s feckless. so i think you re sort of in the dark here. steve? well, look, i think that what you re seeing happening in all these countries across the broader middle east is a fraying of the boundaries that were drawn across religious lines, ethnic lines. of course, you look at the crimea given to the ukraine by russia under khrushchev in 1954. and so russia historically, you look at the poem into the valley of death rode the 600. the europeans have experienced war in crimea against russia. when we blame the president