enterprise as do members of his family. and to require foreign leaders to participate in this summit own lee by paying donald trump at his organization would be completely inaproep ret, likely illegal and certainly ea violation of the amulliants clause. we want to be sure when the president or any elected official is acting that they are in the best interss of the american people, not because there s rar financial gain they or their family is getting. it certainly violates the clause in the constitution. this is just one more example of the president using this office as a money-mocking enterprise. we didn t even get to the attorney general paying him. but we can to that another time. thank you so much for your time. really appreciate it. and a member ocongress fighting
234rrs just two months ago they found a school bus so the negative reprocushion cans that the saudi state is doing. it s undermining the u.s. image and american values and interss in the reej. the point is this is a particular type of alliance where for some peculiar reason the u.s. has not held saudi acountable for its bad behave wrr. we can t just continue if i may pose a question to dr. amad. what to we do now? nicolas crist off said something i found provocative in the times had can says this waet the united states should quietly make clear that the mad prince