By Kevin Townsend on April 19, 2021
Former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, resigned on the day of President Biden’s inauguration. He was replaced by Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, who last month delivered her first major action by fining Texas based telemarketers a record $225 million.
Last Thursday (April 15th), Rosenworcel made a statement on future priorities by reestablishing the Communications, Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) with a focus on 5g networks and software and cloud services vulnerabilities.
“I am committed to working with our federal partners and the private sector to increase the security and resiliency of our nation’s communications networks,” she said in a statement. “That is why I am refocusing and revitalizing the FCC’s Communications, Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council for the challenges of today and tomorrow. The damage from recent supply chain attacks, like
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Presented by Coalition for App Fairness
With help from John Hendel and Cristiano Lima
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Key Wireless Deadlines
FCC Requests Comment on Enabling GSO Fixed-Satellite Service (Space-to-Earth) Operations in the 17.3-17.8 GHz Band: Comments are due by March 3 on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to permit use of the 17.3-17.7 GHz band in the space-to-Earth direction by Geostationary Satellite Orbit (GSO) space stations in the Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS). The NPRM proposes to permit such use on a co-primary basis with incumbent services. The NPRM also solicits input on allowing limited GSO FSS (space-to-Earth) use of the 17.7-17.8 GHz band on a non-protected basis for Fixed Service operations. Reply comments are due by March 18.
FCC Adopts Order to Rip and Replace Huawei, ZTE Equipment Amid 5G Security Challenges lakshmiprasada S/Shutterstock
email December 10, 2020
The senior Democrat on the commission noted China’s continued leadership of global 5G standards development in urging further action.
The Federal Communications Commission unanimously adopted an order to create a fund for reimbursing smaller telecommunications operators removing any equipment from untrusted Chinese providers Huawei and ZTE in their supply chains, assuming Congress appropriates the money.
Commissioners used strong ideological rhetoric in voting to approve the order Thursday, while Democrat Jessica Rosenworcel warned the commission’s actions are being taken in the shadow of China’s role developing global standards for fifth-generation networking technology and urged a more comprehensive approach to securing U.S. telecommunications infrastructure.