PARIS, March 6 ― Internet users in France hate online ads the most, according to a global study of countries most keen on blocking internet ads. In fact, the research found that France scored the most searches for ad-blocking software per 100,000 internet users, ahead of Sweden and Denmark..
the trump voters are getting reengaged in the generic vote around the country where republicans regain leads, getting some breathing room, hundreds of millions of dollars, nancy pelosi is piling in a green wave of money against republican incumbents. and what we are doing, and a chat with 32 toss ups in the ratings. the one resource to proper abuse money and internet ads, you see spending, to hold keep it. virginia 10 is an example. it should have been more safe.
that want to run slimy ads and they figure the webest way is targeted internet ads. so if you are in the suburbs and think that you don t want sleazy ads run against a candidate wasted on immigration or issues like gun safety, you can finally see those ads. and i think that will be very helpful for candidates a political campaigns as well as the press and that is the only way we can have free and open elections. do you use facebook? yes, i do. i just put up my dad s 90th birthday wishing him happy birthday with a photo, tammy duckworth s baby and of course plenty of posts about facebook and twert aitter. why were you not inclined to delete your account after all of
helping doug jones get the win. still a matter of discussion. on top of the millions of dollars of outsider money, one of the key things had a helped doug jones win was on the ground efforts by local activists to get them to the polls. higher than average voter turnout, black turnout in particular. winning black women. 2018, can democrats replicate the effect? latch on to public s discontent with the republican party and turn that in wins? joining me, senior adviser to your outfit is already up, internet ads targeting
in alabama and put together a winning coalition of young voters and voters of color. looking to 2018, can democrats replicate the success they had in alabama and other states? how do they latch on to the public s discontent with the republican party and turn that into wins for democrats in races next november, which by the way, is sooner than you think. joining me now, democratic strategist and senior adviser to move hey there. hey, joy. so your outfit at move on is already up with, i think, internet ads that are targeting republicans on the tax bill. is the tax bill to republicans writ large, in the nicest way, what roy moore, the disgust with roy moore to doug jones in alabama, is it powerful enough to carry democrats over the top? i think that s one way. i think that s one way that democrats can own the message next year. i mean, just think about it, they passed an unpopular president, an unpopular congress, republican congress,