Numerous respected experts, advocates and politicians across the political spectrum attended the summit. The IRF’s speaker and sponsor roster also featured more
Support for WTO vaccine patent waiver crucial 10 May 2021 / 21:55 H.
THE undersigned organisations and patient advocacy groups strongly call on the Malaysian government to immediately support the temporary suspension of intellectual property rights enforcement as an urgent Covid-19 response.
A waiver of the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) agreement on intellectual property rights (TRIPS Agreement) would free up technologies and allow more manufacturers, including in developing countries, to urgently ramp up production of vaccines, medicines to treat Covid-19, diagnostics, ventilators and other needed medical products.
We welcome the May 5 announcement by the Biden Administration that US will stop blocking the waiver proposal, first submitted by South Africa and India to the WTO in October 2020 and now supported by more than 100 developing countries.