‘Ohana Wa’a Laulima is a non-profit canoe club based in Hilo created to provide opportunities to individuals with all levels of disabilities and skill levels to learn how to canoe paddle in a safe and welcoming team environment.
The village of Apia wants to utilise the wooden stage constructed at Vaisigano while awaiting a response from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (M.N.R.E.).In an interview with Samoa Observer, village mayor Tuiletufuga Fritz Tuiavii said they have plans in store to make use of the .
Moments before the regatta’s start, everything is quiet and still. Six-person canoes line up next to their lane flags, each steadied by boat holders, one
It has been a big week for Samoa’s tourism sector with hundreds of visitors in town for the week-long Teuila Festival, no doubt, pumping in thousands of tala into the local economy. Last month the International Va'a Federation (IVF) World Distance Championship hosted by Samoa, based on estimates .