Capping a legal battle that had raged for over a decade, a federal judge in late December handed the Osage Nation a major victory by ordering wind farm developers to dismantle dozens of turbines they had erected on tribal land in northeastern Oklahoma.
Capping a legal battle that had raged for over a decade, a federal judge in late December handed the Osage Nation a major victory by ordering wind farm developers to dismantle dozens of turbines they had erected on tribal land in northeastern Oklahoma.
A pair of geographically diverse court decisions handed down in December have ordered two wind farms be dismantled, highlighting the importance for renewable energy developers of securing all necessary approvals, including environmental and social. The first court decision, handed down by the Court of Appeal in Nimes, France, has ordered the dismantling of a seven-turbine wind farm in Hérault which was built by Énergie Renouvelable du Languedoc (ERL), a subsidiary of German group New. .Across the North Atlantic to the United States, in the state of Oklahoma, a judge in the Tulsa federal court ruled in mid-December that Enel North America, a subsidiary of Italian energy giant Enel, must now dismantle the 150MW Osage Wind Farm.