Shares of Ocado Group plc (LON:OCDO – Free Report) have been given an average rating of “Hold” by the six ratings firms that are currently covering the company, reports. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation, two have assigned a hold recommendation and two have given a buy recommendation […]
Shore Capital reissued their not rated rating on shares of Ocado Group (LON:OCDO – Get Rating) in a research note published on Friday morning, MarketBeat Ratings reports. Other research analysts have also issued research reports about the company. Barclays reiterated an equal weight rating and set a GBX 740 ($9.41) price target on shares of […]
Ocado Group (LON:OCDO – Get Rating) had its price objective reduced by JPMorgan Chase & Co. from GBX 450 ($5.76) to GBX 400 ($5.12) in a research report released on Tuesday, reports. JPMorgan Chase & Co. currently has an underweight rating on the stock. Several other research analysts have also weighed in on the […]
Ocado Group (LON:OCDO – Get Rating) had its price objective lowered by JPMorgan Chase & Co. from GBX 450 ($5.76) to GBX 400 ($5.12) in a report published on Tuesday, reports. The brokerage currently has an underweight rating on the stock. A number of other brokerages also recently issued reports on OCDO. Deutsche Bank […]
Ocado Group plc (LON:OCDO – Get Rating) insider Tim Steiner purchased 37 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, June 15th. The stock was acquired at an average cost of GBX 409 ($5.12) per share, with a total value of £151.33 ($189.35). Ocado Group Stock Up 7.4 % Shares of LON […]