S. Megan Berthold, PhD, LCSW is Assistant Professor in Casework at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. She is a Certified Trauma Specialist and has worked with diverse refugee and asylum seeking survivors of torture, war traumas, human trafficking, female genital mutilation and other traumas since the mid-1980s in refugee camps in Asia and in the United States. She was a clinician and educator in refugee camps in Nepal, the Philippines and on the Thai-Cambodian border. Before joining the UCONN faculty, she worked in Los Angeles for twenty years with the Program for Torture Victims and other non-profits. Dr. Berthold conducts federally funded clinical outcomes research with torture survivors and NIMH funded research examining the prevalence of torture and its mental and physical health consequences among Cambodian refugees. She frequently testifies as an expert witness in U.S. Immigration Court and has trained numerous social workers and other professionals about vica