Fix the damn roads! As much as we'd like to think Michigan roads must be the worst in the country, a new survey indicates that 20 states have worse roads than Michigan does.
Fix the damn roads! As much as we'd like to think Michigan roads must be the worst in the country, a new survey indicates that 20 states have worse roads than Michigan does.
Fix the damn roads! As much as we'd like to think Michigan roads must be the worst in the country, a new survey indicates that 20 states have worse roads than Michigan does.
Fix the damn roads! As much as we'd like to think Michigan roads must be the worst in the country, a new survey indicates that 20 states have worse roads than Michigan does.
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) A new study says the condition of rural roads in Illinois rank as some of the worst in the country. The 27th Annual Highway Report, released by The Reason Foundation, ranked the condition of pavement in Illinois’ rural roads as 44th in the U.S. “Pavement condition is measured with the International […]