The Chess Players Forum has now come out in support of the three FIDE-rated senior players, who were recently "illegally barred" from playing in the Tirunelveli District Selection Tournament."The All India Chess Federation (AICF) .
The Annual General Body meeting of the All India Chess Federation was held at Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation Beach Resort on June 11, 2022, where so
The All India Chess Federation (AICF) has unanimously decided to support the candidature of Viswanathan Anand for the post of deputy president of World Chess Federation (FIDE), the sport body confirmed in a statement on Sunday.After the Annual .
B. Tata Rao, one of the pioneers for bringing chess to the steel city, died of Coronavirus infection at Tata Main Hospital on Thursday.
Fondly called BT da, the 82-year-old was a resident of Adityapur and is survived by his wife, three sons and mother.
Though his main involvement was in the field of volleyball, he was instrumental in the growth of chess in Jamshedpur. He was actively involved in almost all sporting events organised by LIC, his employers.
Condoling Rao’s demise, All Jharkhand Chess Association (AJCA) secretary International Master Neeraj Kumar Mishra said his (Rao’s) contribution in chess was from the early days of East Singhbhum District Chess Association.