Published April 14, 2021, 12:10 PM
Here’s how you can learn it and put the skill to the test
Starting a business is not as easy as people think. Many have this crazy notion of just leaving the job they no longer want, aiming to be the boss, investing money on their startup brand, and they’re off to the yellow brick road of success. Unfortunately, that is a bedtime story. What really happens next is sustaining things, which is far harder, and then comes business decisions to make as a group, which are never a breeze.
While all that has been said are quite negative, don’t take this as a cautionary tale. Take this as a challenge. Today, the pandemic has pushed everyone to take the leap and be the captain as many food businesses began to pop out everywhere. Although many thrived, the future of these businesses is still uncertain. To help many budding entrepreneurs make big things out of their startups, many business professionals advise them to learn design thinking.