Some Life Insurance policies will start seeing vapors as smokers. The ecigarette health scare continues to pose risks. But first, our top story. Mark zuckerberg will get a firsthand look at the growing opposition to facebooks plan to create a cryptocurrency. He will testify october 23. The hearing will examine facebooks impact on the financial and housing industries. My first question is, how significant that it is zuckerberg . It is very significant. Anytime the ceo testifies, it is a big deal. I was there in april of 2018 when he last testified and it was a total zoo. Everyone wants to see him and asking questions. I imagine this will be the same. I know they had been trying to get sheryl sandberg. We wrote about that a couple of weeks ago. It looks like they got someone even better which is her boss. Taylor what do we know about the content of the hearing . Kurt this committee focuses on financial services. They also do housing stuff. Facebook has been accused with issues around its
More likely fail miserably. But he says that is all part of the magic. Joining me today on bloomberg studio 1. 0, astro teller, head of alphabets x lab. And captain of moonshots, which is your official title. Astro i function as the ceo, but i go by captain of moonshots. Emily you rolled in on wheels. This is your standard mode of transportation. How much time do you shave off. Astro i have worked that out. About eight minutes a day. Emily wow. [laughter] you are making the most of those eight minutes. We are a couple miles south of googles headquarters. This is where the magic happens, or sometimes doesnt happen, as you are quick to point out, because you have far more failure than success. We are a couple miles south of what is the mission of x . Astro x was created to be the part of alphabet that would make, hopefully, some new googles for alphabet to have. Things like waymo, the selfdriving car business, the life science business, the Stratospheric Balloon business, the self flying
Astro teller is working on ideas that could change the world, or more likely fail miserably. But he says that is all part of the magic. Joining me today on bloomberg studio 1. 0, astro teller, head of alphabets x lab. And captain of moonshots, which is your official title. As i understand it. Astro it is. I function as the ceo, but i go by captain of moonshots. Emily you rolled in on wheels. This is your standard mode of transportation . Astro it is. Emily how much time do you shave off . Astro i have worked that out. About eight minutes a day. Emily wow. [laughter] you are making the most of those eight minutes. We are in the x lab, just a couple miles south of googles headquarters. This is where the magic happens, or sometimes doesnt happen, as you are quick to point out, because you have far more failures than you do successes. What is the mission of x . Astro x was created to be the part of alphabet that would make, hopefully, some new googles for alphabet to have. Things like waym
Perhaps it is only fitting, then, that astro teller is working on ideas that could change the world, or more likely fail miserably. But he says that is all part of the magic. Joining me today on bloomberg studio 1. 0, astro teller, head of alphabets x lab. And captain of moonshots, which is your official title. As i understand it. Astro it is. I function as the ceo, but i go by captain of moonshots. Emily you rolled in on wheels. This is your standard mode of transportation . Astro it is. Emily how much time do you think you shave off . Astro i have worked that out. Its about eight minutes a day. Emily wow. [laughter] astro its a big building. Emily you are making the most of those eight minutes. We are in the x lab, just a couple miles south of googles headquarters. This is where the magic happens, or sometimes doesnt happen, as you are quick to point out, because you have far more failures than you do successes. What is the mission of x . Astro x was created to be the part of alphabe
More likely fail miserably. But he says that is all part of the magic. Joining me today on bloomberg studio 1. 0, astro teller, head of alphabets x lab. And captain of moonshots, which is your official title. Astro i function as the ceo, but i go by captain of moonshots. Emily you rolled in on wheels. This is your standard mode of transportation. How much time do you shave off. Astro i have worked that out. About eight minutes a day. Emily wow. [laughter] you are making the most of those eight minutes. We are a couple miles south of googles headquarters. This is where the magic happens, or sometimes doesnt happen, as you are quick to point out, because you have far more failure than success. What is the mission of x . Astro x was created to be the part of alphabet that would make, hopefully, some new googles for alphabet to have. Things like waymo, the selfdriving car business, the life science business, the Stratospheric Balloon business, the self flying vehicles for package delivery,