Paul Le Blanc Consistent partisans of actual democracy insist that people have the right to shape their own future. This includes the right to struggle for self-determination.
Michael Roberts talks about the realities of imperialism today and how much or, rather, how little has changed since Vladimir Lenin wrote his book on the subject.
John Smith, author of "Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis", discusses the realities of imperialism today and what it means for those fighting for a socialist future.
Promise Li discusses the complex realities of 21st century imperialism where economic interdependence across geopolitical blocs in tension shapes inter-imperialist rivalry and the kind of anti-war and anti-imperialist solidarity we need today.
Michael Pröbsting discusses the important changes that have occurred within the global imperialist system in recent decades and its implications for revolutionary strategy today.