Anil Koppula's wife delivered a healthy baby via cesarean section at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne in 2018, but he subsequently said that the procedure led to a mental breakdown
An Australian father tried to sue the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne for £520 million after witnessing his wife’s caesarean, claiming that the sight led to the "breakdown of his marriage".
Patient preferences for labor epidural analgesia (LEA) have been incompletely evaluated. This study aimed to determine the importance of various LEA outcomes to both antenatal and postpartum patients.
This was a cross-sectional study approved by the institutional ethics board. Questionnaires were distributed to two separate and distinct cohorts screened for eligibility: pregnant patients at an antenatal visit and postpartum patients during childbirth admission. A list of common LEA outcomes was compiled using research published in leading anesthesia journals. Participants ranked the outcomes according to perceived importance. They assigned each a number from 1 to 10 (priority ranking; 1 indicated the highest priority outcome and 10 the least). They were also asked to ‘spend’ $100 towards the outcomes (relative value scale), allocating more money to outcomes more important to them.
Two hundred twenty questionnaires were completed (105 antenata