Leeds Central Library s copy of My Own Garden: The Young Gardener s Yearbook was published in 1855, the same year it was gifted to Caroline Gott by her father William.
Joan Mitchell Foundation adds conservator Jim Coddington to its Board
Jim Coddington. Photo: Ruth Fremson / New York Times.
.-The Joan Mitchell Foundation announced today the appointment of conservator Jim Coddington to its Board of Directors for a three-year term. Coddington recently retired from the Museum of Modern Art where he was chief conservator from 1996 to 2016. Prior to his appointment to the Foundations Board, from 2019 to 2020, Coddington served as an advisor to the Foundations Legacy Committee, a group of board members who work closely with staff to support planning around the preservation, documentation, and research of the Foundations artwork and archival collections as well as other aspects of stewardship of artist Joan Mitchells legacy. The announcement follows the appointments of finance specialist Marc Chennault and artist Paul Ramírez Jonas to the Board in 2020.