great cost to taxpayers. $8.1 billion it has cost with the routes closed. we understand secretary clinton spoke with the pakistani foreign minister earlier today and the pakistanis agreed to open the ground routes. the pentagon says no trucks or convoys started moving through the afghan-pakistan border to supply troops but they expect they should do so very soon. again it looks like in the statement, secretary clinton wrote, we re sorry for the losses suffered by the pakistani military. for months the obama administration has been saying they would not apologize to the pakistanis for that border incident in november. megyn? megyn: jennifer, thank you. new concerns today as the united nations is now considering at this moment a global arms treaty that would curtail certain gun sales. right now the u.n. is working on a plan that would put a whole new set of international gun rules in place. supporters, including the obama administration, argue it will make the world more