or to the relevant stakeholders. this is also at administration, it is not in a good place. it fired a number of top officials and judges recently, and the number of bond investors expressed their concern, and in general, this is a country that is already dollarised and moving to bitcoin would further reduce the degree of political space available to policymakers that actually solve the financial problems in the country. i think remittances are a huge part of the motivation here, but it is important to remember that remittances only occur in the context of an international financial regulatory regime. and there is no reason to think that other countries are going to approve or support this kind of move and when you actually look at what is going on, it seems to be that this is a young president who is trying to capitalise on popular image and there is a lot of pr value in announcing something like this even if you have not actually worked out all the details or even if it isn t the bes