Magyar Nemzet - Szellemi honvédelem 1938 óta. Friss hírek hazai, külföldi, sport, kultúra és gazdasági témakörökben. Véleménycikkek és történelmi visszatekintések.
When European leaders agreed to Ukraine’s accession talks in December 2023, the historic move was hailed in Kyiv as a recognition of years of struggle to get closer to the bloc since the EuroMaidan Revolution. The agreement came after a European Commission decision in November 2023 recommending talks begin following Ukraine’s completion of four out of seven steps laid out when the country received candidate status in June 2023. Ukraine needs to enact a thorough overhaul of its legislation, policies, and economy as it heads down the long and winding road toward EU membership.
When European leaders agreed to Ukraine’s accession talks in December 2023, the historic move was hailed in Kyiv as a recognition of years of struggle to get closer to the bloc since the EuroMaidan Revolution. The agreement came after a European Commission decision in November 2023 recommending talks begin following Ukraine’s completion of four out of seven steps laid out when the country received candidate status in June 2023. Ukraine needs to enact a thorough overhaul of its legislation, policies, and economy as it heads down the long and winding road toward EU membership.
The EU members in Central and Eastern Europe are returning to normality and will continue the process of economic convergence with Western Europe that was interrupted last year.
Russia's economy has been noticeably overheating and is increasingly dependent on continuing the war, the expenses of which act like a narcotic on it. Source: Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) Details: The Russian economy, fuelled by the weapons boom, can no longer sustain its rapid growth, the WIIW forecast suggests.