It is just a small box to tick on an application form, but a huge breakthrough for D. Ojeda, a non-binary person who on Monday became one of the first Americans to apply for a gender-neutral passport.
“Even with my family, they still don’t get it,” said Ojeda, a 34-year-old LGBTQ advocate who goes by D. and uses the pronouns “they, them.”
“So at least I have the government to say who I am as a person,” Ojeda added.
The option to receive a passport with an “X” gender designation, which was made available on Monday by the administration of US President Joe
Caracas, Mar 31 (EFE).- Defenders of the LGBT community gathered here Thursday to demand that the institutions of the Venezuelan government honor a legal provision that gives individuals the right to change their names. Participants marked the International Transgender Day of Visibility by presenting a petition to the National Electoral Council (CNE) requesting the establishment …
Daily Times
April 8, 2021
Transphobia is a term that describes the discriminatory behaviour-physical, verbal and psychological- towards transgender community of a society. The causes of such prejudice behaviours are socially constructed and due to baseless learned fears and norms. Such social attitudes deprive transgenders of opportunities to have equal access to their rights and grow as a healthy member of the society. Such transphobic behaviours are common and challenging in different societies of the world.
Pakistan is a country having a small transgender community which was first time recorded in the nation-wide conducted census in 2017.According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, there are 10,000 transgenders making 0.24 % of total population, recoded in 2017 census of Pakistan. Most of the times, we find this community begging on roads /markets and providing entertainment at weddings and at festivities of family occasions. Many of them are also forced to get involved in some