When considering the Project Zone and the Project Area together, the Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project overlaps with all or parts of six protected areas under the purview of the MOE: parts of the Botum Sakor National Park, the Central Cardamom National Park, the Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary, the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, the Southern Cardamom National Park, and the Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary (see Map 2). The REDD+ project encompasses more than half a million hectares of land. Click to
We cannot hope to realize the human right to housing in Canada if we continue to actively support Israel as it violates that same human right. It is beyond time for the Canadian government to show clear and meaningful support for our Palestinian counterparts in East Jerusalem. In doing so, we can finally move beyond paying lip service to reconciliation and human rights.
Editors note: On Oct. 7, Hamas militants staged a surprise attack on Israel, as a result of which at least 1,400 Israelis were killed and hundreds were taken hostage. In the days since, Israeli force.