"We regret that the Aukus agreement … is escalating geopolitical tensions in our region and undermining Pacific-led nuclear-free regionalism,” says the Pacific Elders’ Voice, the US and the UK will increase rotations of nuclear-powered submarines to Australia, Pacific countries rushed to join the TPNW six years ago, reflecting their longstanding concerns about nuclear testing legacies.…
https://www.youtube.com/embed/nH6xkjMNdnk?si=s78WS6yrTOGr7Xhu The theory of nuclear deterrence is a feeble excuse for nations to hold onto their weapons of mass destruction and a fraud that must be exposed, writes Dr Sue Wareham. 23 Aug 23 https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/nuclear-deterrence-is-a-dangerous-fraud,17833 Dr Sue Wareham OAM is President of the Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) and a past board member of ICAN (the International…
The Yankunytjatjara Anangu woman talked about the devastating effect the testing had on her family, including the loss of her father. https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/karinas-father-went-blind-at-emu-field-now-shes-fighting-for-a-treaty-on-nuclear-weapons/g67uk5oea?link id=17&can id=b5efd4608e32f727ec441ba348f710c5&source=email-nuclear-news-actions-events&email referrer=email 1984623&email subject=nuclear-news-actions-events Karina Lester knows the fallout nuclear weapons can cause. Her father, the late Yami Lester, went blind as a young man after the British tested atomic weapons in Emu Field. "The scars are…