Screengrab of the Digital Safehouse platform. IN RESPONSE to the continued abuse of Philippine media, a group launched on December 10 an online safety p
“This project is being launched to the public in light of events that have been plaguing the country’s news industry for the last five years: journalist killings, arrests, red-tagging, filing of libel charges, to name a few.”
In a statement, the International Association of Women in Radio and Television - Philippines said this is a vindication for Filipino journalists who have been targeted under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Advocates have praised the award to Ressa for drawing global attention to the Philippines' struggle for press freedom and human rights. It also marks the first time the prize has been handed to a journalist.
Various media groups lauded Filipino journalist Maria Ressa for winning the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 for exemplary efforts to "safeguard freedom of expression" in the Philippines.