Members of congress, distinguished guests colleagues from the department of defense, past and present. Members of the Vietnam Commemoration Advisory Committee the, thank you for being here today. Thank you to the organizers an commemorative partners of this important event and thousands like it across the country and the entire vietnam commemoration effort. Most importantly, thank you to the vietnam era veterans and their families who join us. You honor us with your presence. In a year of anniversaries for this years marks the 150th anniversary of the end of our civil war, the 70th anniversary of the end ever world war ii, the 65th anniversary of the start of korean war, today we gather to remember the vietnam war and to honor those who served in it. We remember the 50th anniversary of president johnsons executive order establishing the Vietnam Service ribbon and we honor our 7. 2 million living vietnam era veterans. Fair fallen comrades in arms including those still unaccounted for an
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