Providing coverage of Alaska and northern Canada s oil and gas industry
SIDEBAR: Trump era orders revoked
Petroleum News
The secretarial orders revoked by Interior Secretary Debra Haaland on April 16 are as follows:
SO 3348 Concerning the Federal Coal Moratorium (March 29, 2017)
SO 3349 American Energy Independence (March 29, 2017)
SO 3350 America-First Offshore Energy Strategy (May 1, 2017)
SO 3351 Str..
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As Biden mulls reversing Trump’s monument cuts, researchers urge him to go big
Mar. 16, 2021 , 4:45 PM
When paleontologist Rob Gay returned to his research sites at the Bears Ears National Monument last month after a long absence, he wasn’t sure what he would find. Former President Donald Trump had shrunk the monument, created by former President Barack Obama, by 85% and weakened protections for sites holding fossils and cultural artifacts. Gay spotted new off-road vehicle tracks in the vermillion-hued soil. But thankfully, he says, his sites had not been damaged.
Gay is just one of many researchers and Native American officials urging President Joe Biden to reverse Trump’s downsizing of Bear Ears and even expand it. Doing so would not only restore stricter protections for numerous sites, but also free up federal funding for surveys, research, and preservation efforts. But although the Biden administration has hinted that it will reverse Trump’s order and the decision coul