"El Ramonazo" que marcó un antes y un después en la política de Guanajuato inició con el priista Ramón Aguirre Velázquez desafiando a Carlos Salinas de Gortari
strong fundraiser. only more so now that she s in office. it will be a very robust race we will see in the next year coming into this year where people start jockeying. susan, what are you hearing how the race for new york governor is shaping up, are there prominent republicans to get in the mix? one of the things we are hearing after cuomo s resignation, it is giving republicans hope. yeah. i think more republicans were hoping to run against a weakened andrew cuomo than a democrat that may not have any of the same baggage. there are three names out there. one is congressman lee zeldin from long island, second, rob as terino. ran against andrew cuomo in 2014, and then the name andrew