The Ketchikan School Board tonight will consider an after-school grant, an agreement with Ketchikan Indian Community, a budget revision and three policy changes before ending the night with three executive
The Ketchikan School Board on Wednesday night approved all items on its agenda with little fanfare and conducted its evaluation of Interim Superintendent Melissa Johnson in executive session.
The Ketchikan School Board on Wednesday night unanimously approved the district’s proposed $42.6 million operating budget for the 2023 fiscal year in second reading. The budget now heads to the
A COVID-19 discussion item on the Ketchikan School Board s Feb. 9 agenda highlighted the board’s diverging stances as to what the Ketchikan School District’s role should be nearly two years
KETCHIKAN (KDN) — The Ketchikan School District does not expect to take any actions or release any information by end of day Friday regarding its ongoing investigation into an alleged