The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House State and Local Government Committee on the policies in House Bill 203, which would embrace universal occupational license recognition for people moving to Ohio. In its testimony, Buckeye urged lawmakers to follow the lead of Arizona, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Utah and adopt universal occupational license recognition, saying, “House Bill 203’s licensing recognition…will help Ohio by helping would-be Ohio workers pursue careers and professions here.”
The Buckeye Institute: Eliminate Ohio’s ‘Notoriously Flawed’ Energy Subsidies Feb 23, 2021
Columbus, OH – On Tuesday, The Buckeye Institute submitted written testimony (see full text below or download a PDF) to the Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee on the policies in Senate Bill 44, which would eliminate the taxpayer-funded subsidies included in the “notoriously flawed” House Bill 6 from the 133rd General Assembly.
In his testimony, Greg R. Lawson, a research fellow at The Buckeye Institute, told lawmakers that eliminating the “notoriously flawed” taxpayer-funded subsidies included in House Bill 6 was an “important course correction” that would end one of the worst examples of crony capitalism.