Only decided unanimously in favor of a bakery in Belfast where they declined to make a cake celebrating same sex marriage you may think it sounds similar to the case of Jack Philips here in our country that s because it is here at home of course Jack one at our high court by a 7 to 2 margin in the masterpiece cake shop decision defended by the good folks at a.t.f. The Alliance Defending Freedom Jack s story the story of the u.k. The story of Barron else that s been the floors up in Washington state all are just examples of how widespread these free speech and free exercise of religion issues are today the courts at least for the foreseeable future are the 1st and last line of defense for what our Founders called the 1st freedom the good folks make the state polling gaijin the fight I m hearing. The Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy more and more at Public Policy dot dot edu down this is that I don t think I m right I want well I m glad you enjoyed it but I think it s time to
move here if you d like I m Samuel and I do the morning show. In Houston on am 1070 the answer for the Salem Radio family it s an honor to fill in for our friend Mike Gallagher in our neck of the woods you know Dinesh D Souza is a good friend of our show Dinesh is amazing as movie Death of a nation it s out now d.v.d. And Blu Ray let me get a plug in for our friend the New York Times best selling author and filmmakers back an explosive film that comes at one of the most critical times in our nation s history in case you are living under a rock it s a wake up call for every American you can order your copy today and tonight has a great website for the death of a nation Bouvier dot com death of a nation Movie dot com And that s from our good friend Dinesh D Souza who s just a wonderful amazing guy I m feelin it today I ll fill in tomorrow if you all are nice 865 Mike 865 Mike the story that s just dominating is just a tragedy out of California as we learn more. Because he always likes
Work lists the great mitigator of risk is time it is not about timing the market it is about time in the market that makes the biggest difference so frequently when we talk with clients here about issues relating to their investment portfolios their performance what is often. Unknown by clients is the amount of risk that they re really taking and what we find oftentimes is that the allocations are either way too aggressive for their age or they re way undervalued in terms of having assets in the market that have an opportunity to grow over many many years this really becomes a very strategic conversation that I hope you re having with your advisers relating to your age your risk tolerance level and your time horizon in terms of who these dollars are invested for I ve talked about this in the past but I had a client in here last week that said look I ve got this one account that is going to be for my 18 year old granddaughter and so now we re no longer investing this for grandpa who s
Tonight Iran money and 11 year old boy in Arizona is dead after killing his grandma and turning the gun on himself the Mutual has more the Maricopa County Sheriff s Office says you Yvonne Woodward was killed by her grandson after he was asked to clean his room the grandfather told officers that the grandson was being stubborn about cleaning up after himself the gun belonged to the grandfather investigators are saying they haven t found any sign that would have indicated that the boy was going to hurt others or himself Buckeyes police chief was on suspension this week while the city of Vesta Gates claims of misconduct this is the latest step in a controversy surrounding Chief Larry Hall that began more than a year ago the city hired a private investigative for him last November to investigate officers claims that senior level police department leaders ordered officers to falsify crime statistics in consistently disciplined officers and those including Hall operated side businesses desp
Publicans want to do away with protections for those with preexisting health conditions but like a lot of things in politics it s not true Republicans in Congress have introduced legislation that would ensure that Americans with preexisting conditions can get access to coverage even if Obamacare is repealed and one Republican candidate Missouri s Josh Holley has gone even farther by arguing that Congress should mandate that insurance companies cover all preexisting conditions it s disingenuous for Democrats to argue the Republicans want to take away your health care in fact just the opposite is true it s the Republican Congress and President Trump who focus on how to bring down health care costs so more Americans can afford the coverage they need I m lucky and share the coverage I m Graduate School of Public Policy preparing leadership for the public square more and more at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot 80. Per cent opportunity to every day. Opportunities that either school. Or tou