Enacting the NDAA at a time when the current Congress can’t seem to agree on much of anything, much less by wide bipartisan margins, is a substantial achievement.
To view past editions of The Hill’s 12:30 Report, click here: https://bit.ly/30ARS1U To receive The Hill’s 12:30 Report in your inbox, please sign up here: https://bit.ly/3qmIoS9 –> A midday take on what’s happening in politics and how to have a sense of humor about it. Ha. Haha. Hahah. Sniff. Haha. Sniff. Ha–breaks down crying hysterically. The Hill’s 12:30 Report:…
The Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2022 contains a little-noticed provision setting professional standards and practices to be overseen by a new medical advisory board.