Almost all of them are from the bay area the youngest person was a 17yearold girl and many of them charged with batter. Now that video of this sucker punch went viral the president of kal State University says launching an investigation into the man shone hitting at a women at patriots dale rally in berkeley saturday. That man is identified at alternative right leader nathan dmig o. A student at csu thement of the University Says they will take all legal and disciplinary measures to make sure students are safe. The protests Civic Center Park quickly turned violent as a precaution the city established a perimeter before hand and police tried to confiscate anything to be used as a weapon. They found plenty. Polls action sticks stun gunning pepper spray. Many Dangerous Items got past the check. The metal bike lock action like this the one at this man. Seven people injured some wecht to the hospital rools violence during the marni protest in berkeley. Police are reviewing video of saturday
This is what you see, big recovery. A 200point swing in the largest intraday move on the bluechip average in three weeks. It all started this morning, a weak jobs report which caused a small rally in the free market. Investors believe it added more uncertainty to the timing of the feds decision as to when the slowdown Asset Purchase Program also known as tapering. The weaker the number, mostly tapering sooner. Maybe we will see it later. The Market Action as we head into the closing bell. Traders on the New York Stock Exchange and the nymex, so weird to see the 100 plus point dropped immediately after president putin said that and see the recovery once again the market digesting that information. We spoke about this last week, i think. Syria is trumping everything. Employment numbers are important, but the geopolitical events are clearly at the head of the class for the moment and i think that is describing the trade, and there are still so many unknowns as this is going on, it is just
Connell emphasize the now in markets now but we are doing pretty good. Dagen keeping track. Connell what a day the last 24 hours. Stuart varney said the markets are up and seem to like the latest which we will talk about and the big changes to the dow. Nicole petallides starts us off at the stock exchange. Nicole good morning, the big news is we will have some changes on the Dow Jones Industrials as of next week friday, september 20th at the close of trading names on the move, the Dow Jones Industrials up 112 112 points, the u. S. Dollar looking good and commodities pulling back. And seasoned changes. Bank of america, alcoa and hewlettpackard coming out of the doubt. Goldman sachs, nike and visa larger stock price, the more it has waited within the index. This is the biggest shakeup we have seen in a decade. The three names coming out of theedow, bank of america, alcoa and gillick packard have been underperformers so interesting to see these changes, this will occur friday after the cl