The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. Welcome everyone, good morning. We will have senators participating both live and virtually. Since it is difficul the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. We will have senators participating live then virtually as a result of that its difficult to determine to go in ty, seniority and we both come three witnesses the assistant secretary of state and the bureau official for the European Eurasian Affairs and Principal Deputy assistant for western hemisphere fears. We appreciate you being here. We will be talking about china obviously that presents us with manyy challenges and opportunities. There has been a lot of legislation introduced and there is a bill we introduced earlier this year to bring together as many as possible so the minority introduced ase bill senator schumer is the lead sponsor but this is not a partisan issue that is an American Issue. When i put the bill togetheren originally come i did so to
End and a Pacific Region and they also discuss china handling of coronavirus pandemic. This is just over two hours. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. Welcome everyone, good morning. We will have senators participating both live and virtually. Since it is difficult to figure out when they showed up virtually, we will go on seniority. If that is agreeable with everyone, that is what we will do. Today, we welcome three witnesses to talk with us. Julie chung is here. We appreciate you all being here this morning. Will be talking about china presents us with many challenges. Opportunities as well but right now, challenges. There has been a lot of legislation introduced as far as china is concerned. There was a bill that we introduced earlier this year. That as early as today or yesterday, the minority introduced a bill of which senator schumer is the lead sponsor of the bill. In any event, this is not a partisan issue. This is an american issue. When i put the bill
America. This is just over two hours. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. Welcome everyone and good morning. Senatorsing to have participating both live and virtually. Since it is difficult to determine when they showed up virtually, we will go on seniority. If that is agreeable, that is what we will do. Three we welcome witnesses. David stillwell, secretary of state for east asia and pacific affairs. The senior pacific official. Assistant to pity secretary for western affairs. Today, of course, we are going to be talking about china. Obviously, china presents us with many challenges. With opportunities also. Right now, challenges. Ofre has been a lot legislation introduced as far as china is concerned. Bill we introduced earlier that tries to bring together as many as possible. I am told as recently as today or yesterday, the minority introduced a bill of which senator schumer is the lead sponsor, i am told. In any event, this is not a partisan issue. This is an
20,uant to clause 8 of rule the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the california, ms. Lofgren, to suspend the rules resolution, the h. R. 756, as amended. On which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk House Resolution 756, resolution implementing the the mendations adopted by select committee on the modernization of congress. The speaker pro tempore the uestion is will the house suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 394, the nays are 13. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended
In france residents are still demanding answers and action from the government 2 months after a massive chemical factory fire left a toxic cloud over their system. From moscow watching the weekly here not international on Daniel Hawkins wherever you are today thanks for joining us on the progress of a terrorist Group Islamic state carried out friday stabbing in Central London 2 people were killed in that attack and 3 others badly injured the perpetrator had served time for previous terrorist offenses before being freed early on license last year british Prime Minister has criticised the practice of automatic really its. Clear to me that. This was. Half of the sentence automatic early release. And i have long said that this system simply isnt working it does not make sense for us as a society to be putting terrorist people convicted of terrorist offenses a serious offense is on early release. 28 year old carmen was released from prison last december he was jailed for planning a bomb att