The Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization has moved a step closer in its efforts to institute mandatory reporting requi.
As two more workers die in an enclosed space onboard a ship, InterManager has hit out at the shipping industry’s inadequate reporting of serious and fatal accidents. Captain Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General of InterManager, the international trade association for ship and crew managers, said: “Another two workers have died this month. They were two shore .
Industry trade group InterManager is calling out the shipping industry for its “inadequate” reporting of serious and fatal accidents following the death of two workers in an enclosed space onboard.
Some observers have compared IMO2020- the restrictions on sulfur in marine fuels which took effect on Jan 1, 2020 -with the Y2K drama of two decades back.
During the Y2K runup, there was much consternation and fears that all computers would stop running, shutting down commerce and everything else. Fast forward to the end of 2019, with great concerns that vessels could not source compliant fuel, or worse- that various blends would gum up cylinders in vessel engines.
The year 2020 saw a whole host of problems for the maritime business sectors, but fuel problems were not at the top of the league tables; fuel matters paled in comparison to more serious issues that arose. Like the computer non-crisis 20 years prior, maritime businesses had time to anticipate and prepare.
IMO Reports Just 55 FONARs for 2020
by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday January 29, 2021 Just
55 fuel oil non-availability reports (FONARs) were filed to the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) last year as shipowners switched to using VLSFO finally putting to rest concerns about availability of the new blends. FONARs can be filed to a ship s flag state if it is unable to source compliant fuel at its next port of call, and the flag states pass them on to the IMO to publish in its database. The FONAR itself is not a guarantee of not being prosecuted by the flag or port state, but will be taken into account.