Despite recent rainfall, Harrisonburg is entering its third week of a severe short-term drought, the third on a five-level scale. The city has suggested residents conserve their use of water,
Despite recent rainfall, Harrisonburg is entering its third week of a severe short-term drought, the third on a five-level scale. The city has suggested residents conserve their use of water,
As school kicks back into motion across the country, professors and students are navigating the new frontier of generative artificial intelligence (gAI) and its unpredictable potential inside and outside the
As school kicks back into motion across the country, professors and students are navigating the new frontier of generative artificial intelligence (gAI) and its unpredictable potential inside and outside the
Starting in September 2021, students across JMU have been fighting for more sustainability options like recycling and a net-zero emissions plan by 2050.