Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday said his government has been spending Rs 12,000 crore annually for providing free power to farmers in the state. Speaking at a public meeting here, the Chief Minister said the food processing industry will be a focus area after the Assembly polls in Telangana.
KCR s Massive Public Meeting On December 4th: After TRS ended up winning in the prestigious Munugode bypoll, the party is relaxed and is working with double energy. Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao ordered the leaders, officials, ministers and supporters to completely focus on the Assembly polls in Telangana that are scheduled for 2023.
AMARAVATI: The Andhra Pradesh State government is mulling the idea of setting up Integrated Collectorates in the new districts formed recently. The idea of having an Integrated Collectorate would provide easy access to people and also reduce the need for acquiring land and construction costs for new buildings. If all district-level offices are brought under one roof, it would