right to work states, 2.6% fewer people had access to employer-sponsored insurance. of all states where right to work, two million fewer people would have employer-sponsored insurance nationwide. another issue to show you. poverty rates. if all states were right to work, 3,670,000 more people would live in poverty. also nationwide according to an nea union publication. but supporters say right to work laws attract new jobs and factories so we looked at the top 15 auto factories in the country. when we looked at that number, seven of them operate in right to work states. the majority or eight of the factories opened their doors in non-right to work states. now, this debate is more than numbers, certainly. many remember michigan as the birthplace of the first sit-down labor strikes and the start of the uaw and some say the modern middle class. others remember when union supporter martin luther king, seen here, marched with one of