Terreno Realty Co. (NYSE:TRNO – Get Free Report) has received an average recommendation of “Moderate Buy” from the seven ratings firms that are covering the firm, Marketbeat.com reports. Three analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have given a buy rating to the company. The average 1 year price objective among […]
StockNews.com upgraded shares of Terreno Realty (NYSE:TRNO – Free Report) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a report published on Friday morning. A number of other research analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Citigroup started coverage on shares of Terreno Realty in a research report on Wednesday, July 19th. They […]
Shares of Terreno Realty Co. (NYSE:TRNO – Get Rating) have been assigned an average recommendation of “Moderate Buy” from the ten brokerages that are currently covering the stock, Marketbeat.com reports. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, two have issued a hold recommendation and five have assigned a buy recommendation to […]
StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Terreno Realty (NYSE:TRNO – Get Rating) in a research report report published on Thursday. The firm issued a sell rating on the real estate investment trust’s stock. Several other brokerages have also issued reports on TRNO. JMP Securities reiterated a market outperform rating and issued a $71.00 price target […]
StockNews.com downgraded shares of Terreno Realty (NYSE:TRNO – Get Rating) from a hold rating to a sell rating in a report issued on Friday morning. Several other research analysts also recently commented on TRNO. JMP Securities reaffirmed a market outperform rating and issued a $71.00 target price on shares of Terreno Realty in a research […]