a thank you can i just ask. you ll find as i did have you dot com slash science or drop us a line at d w underscore site tech on facebook d w dot science. time for our. video of the week this three d. printed robot fascinated many of us. it s a model of all robots just topstitch an extinct tetrapod that lived during the permian era around two hundred and nineteen million years ago. scientists at berlin s home bought university and the politics institute of luzon on the fossil and fossil tracks to create a robot simulation. called our robots it s made out of motors with flexible plastic and steel.
a thank you can i just ask. did you find as i did have a dot com slash science or drop us a line at e w underscore site tech on facebook d w dot science. time for al. video of the week this three d. printed robot fascinated many of us. it s a model of all a baathist chopstick an extinct tetrapod that lived during the permian era around two hundred and nineteen million years ago. scientists at berlin about university and the playtex institute of luzon on the fossil and fossil tracks to create a robot simulation. called our robots it s made out of motors with flexible plastic and steel.