A report that focuses on developing a public, foresight-driven debate in Central and Eastern Europe to shape the future direction of EU policy development while protecting European values and freedoms.
A swing towards a pro-European majority in Poland after the 15 October elections gives hope that the next government will engage constructively with Germany and France on the difficult issue of further EU enlargement, argues Sylvie Kauffmann in an interview with Visegrad Insight.
The scope of interference the outgoing government in Poland made in recent elections is difficult for Western audiences to fathom, which is why the positive outcome for the opposition is so remarkable and can serve as a case study for pro-democratic movements in the region.
Europe’s turn to the right now looks reversible, while Donald Tusk’s victory leaves Viktor Orbán politically isolated, says political scientist and author Ivan Krastev
• New study finds that most Rafflesia species, which produce the world’s largest flowers, face extinction.
• Lack of protection at local, national, and international levels means that remaining populations are under critical threat.
• Researchers propose an urgent action plan to save these remarkable flowers, building on local success stories.